Thursday, May 5, 2011

Princess Hours - Episode 23 Spoilers

Episode 23 Spoilers

After leaving the fire, the police say that the key suspect is Shin, because he was there and they found no sent texts on Chae Kyung's phone.

The real arsonist is Yool's mother, of course. She tells her servant to make sure that Yool never finds out about it. However, Yool thinks his mother did it. Neither Chae Kyung nor Yool believes that shin set the fire. 

Shin tells chae kyung that he's sorry that she won't be deposed, but that once everything is taken care of, he'll let her go. The Great Queen Mother (I LOVE HER :) talks to Chae Kyung , and consols her, while shin's sister (I love her too) consols her father.

Ahh, what's a good drama without the famous hug-from-behind? :D And what's a good drama without a good KISS? They kiss. A real kiss. not just lips pressed together. The whole-freakin' deal. Now, when's she gonna get prego?

Ahh but back to arson, the Queen is not stupid. She knows EXACTLY who the arsonist is. Yool's mom. 
Yool's mother puts pressure on the clan members to depose shin and chae kyung.
Yool confronts his mother about setting the fire.

The royal family wants to send Chae Kyung overseas to show that she's sorry, but shin doesn't want that.
meanwhile, back at school, Shin's friends friends are getting together with Chae Kyung's friends... three and three - pretty convenient hm?

Chae Kyung decides to leave on the trip... 
Gosh I can't believe there's only one episode left....

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